Nadam se da ste svi imali ugodan vikend! :) Ja sam malo radila, citala, kuvala, vozila bicikl... Volela bih da sam mogla ici na kupanje... sledece nedelje, nadam se. :)
Jako bih volela bih da zivim pored mora...Ostrvo u Grckoj bi bilo savrseno, obozavam Grcku. :)
Da li vi imate neke planove za leto? Planirate li da putujete negde?
I hope everyone had a nice weekend! :) I worked a little, read, baked, biked... I would have loved to go swimming, though... but I hope to go next week. :)
I wish I lived by the sea... An island in Greece would be perfect, I love Greece. :)
Do you have any plans for the summer? Will you be travelling anywhere?
Do you have any plans for the summer? Will you be travelling anywhere?
Volite li da jedete dudove? Nalazite li da su preslatki? Ili mozda jednostavno ne volite njihov ukus?
Do you like to eat mulberries? Do you find them too sweet? Or maybe you just don't like the taste?
Ja volim da jedem dudove, mi imamo jedan dud u basti, prilicno star i relativno veliki i nazalost, veliki broj dudova zavrsava na zemlji, jer je prosto nemoguce pojesti ih sve. Zato sam ja odlucila da potrazim neki lep recept, da iskoristim neke od dudova za kolac, mafine, hleb ili slicno. Posto sam procitala nekoliko recepata, a jesam nasla par zanimljivih, odlucila sam da napravim mafine i to po sopstvenom receptu. Pa sam mislila da bih mogla da ga podelim sa vama, ako vam se ucini dovoljno izazovnim da mu pruzite priliku. :)
I do like to eat mulberries and we have one mulberry tree in the garden, it's pretty old and relatively big and, unfortuantelly, many a mulberry ends up on the groud, as it's impossible to eat all. That's why I decided to look for a nice recipe to use some of them for a cake, muffins, a bread or so. After reading a few recipes, and I did find a couple of interesting ones, I decided to make muffins and to follow my own recipe. So, I thought I would share it with you, if you find it tempting enough to give it a go.:)
Mafini sa dudovima i jabukom
1 jaje
5 kasika secera
5 kasika mleka
3 kasike ulja
1 jogurt
1 pakovanje vanilin secera
1 kasicica praska za pecivo
1 kasicica sode bikarbone
prstohvat soli
15 kasika brasna
1/2 kasicice cimeta
1 jabuka
1 limun
secer u prahu
100 g dudova (ociscenih)
Dobro umutiti jaje i secer. Dodati mleko, ulje i jogurt. Zatim dodati vanilin secer, prasak za pecivo, sodu bikarbonu i prstohvat soli. Dodati brasno i cimet i sve lepo sjediniti.
Oljustiti i izrendati jednu jabuku i dodati je u smesu zajedno sa jednom kasikom limunovog soka. Na kraju dodati ociscene dudove, umesati ih samo kasikom.
Zagrejati rernu na 200 C. Podmazati kalup za mafine, rasporediti smesu u njih i peci oko 30 minuta na 200C. Na svaki ispecen mafin staviti nekoliko kapi limunovog soka, a zatim posuti prah secer.
Dobije se 12 vecih mafina.
Hvala vam sto ste svratili danas i zelim vam prijatnu nedelju!
Mulberry/Apple Muffins
1 egg
5 spoons of sugar
5 spoons of milk
3 spoons of oil
1 liquid yogurt (180 ml)
1 pack vanilla sugar
1 tea spoon baking powder
1 tea spoon baking soda
a pinch of salt
15 spoons of flour
1/2 tea spoon cinnamon
1 apple
1 lemon
powdered sugar
powdered sugar
100 g mulberries
Mix egg and sugar well. Add milk, oil and yogurt and mix. Add vanilla sugar, baking powder, baking soda, a pinch of salt and mix again. Add flour and cinnamon to the mixture and mix.
Peel and grate one apple and add it to the mixture, together with one spoon of lemon juice. Mix again. At the end add in clean mulberries, using only a spoon to blend them into the mixture.
Peel and grate one apple and add it to the mixture, together with one spoon of lemon juice. Mix again. At the end add in clean mulberries, using only a spoon to blend them into the mixture.
Preheat oven to 200C. Butter a muffin mould, pour the mixture into the mould and bake for about 30 minutes at 200C. Pour a few drops of lemon juice on each baked muffin and then sprinke with powdered sugar.
It gives 12 bigger muffins.
Thank you for stopping by today and have a great week!
It gives 12 bigger muffins.
Thank you for stopping by today and have a great week!