Zdravo svima!
Kako izdrzavate na ovim vrucincinama? Ja sam se malo brckala u bazenu, pila dosta...mmm limunade ( preporuka za ove vrele dane... ;) )
How do you hold up in the heat? I'm in the pool a little, drinking a lot of lemonade... (recommendation for the hot days ;) )
extremely hot in my area, close to 40C (in the shade!) .
It's been like that for about three weeks now. It's unbearable.)
Pravila sam sladoled, i opet, limun mi je nekako najvise prijao, a moram reci da je najbolje i ispao, kao iz poslasticarnice. :) Htela sam da postavim sliku i da napisem recept, ali nazalost, sladoled je nestao pre nego sto sam uspela da ga slikam. ;)
Kupine stizu polako, uskoro planiram da pravim sok, od malina se vec skoro sav popio. :)
Uspela sam da napravim jednu cestitku, iako, moram da priznam, ovih dana nemam mnogo volje za pravljenjem cestitki niti bilo cega drugog. Cestitka je, kako bi drugacije, inspirisana vodom, rekom, morem ili cime vec...
I've been making ice cream, and again, lemon suits me best, and I have to say that the lemon flavour ice cream was the one that turned out best, too. :)
I was going to post a picture and write a recipe, but unfortunately, the ice cream disappeared before I was able to take a photo. ;)
Blackberries are arriving slowly, I plan to make the juice soon, we almost drank the raspberry one. :)
I managed to make a card, even though, I must confess, these days I don't really feel like making cards or anyhting else. The card has been, how else, inspired with water, river, the sea...
Ucestvujem u: Live & Love Crafts challenge-u - "Nauticki/pomorski"
Everybody Art challenge-u - "Leto"
Top Tip Tuesday - "Za muskarce"
Uskoro cu postaviti blog candy, verovatno u toku sledece sedmice. :)
Uzivajte u vikendu!
Uzivajte u vikendu!
I'm entering: Live & Love Crafts challenge- - "Nautic"
Everybody Art challenge - "Summer"
Top Tip Tuesday - "One for the Men"
Soon I will have a blog candy posted, probably during the next week. :)
Enjoy the weekend!