
Sunday, 31 March 2013

Love Grows Happiness

Pozdrav svima!
Deveti izazov na blogu  Izazovi i slatkisi.  donosi -"Slobodnu temu".

Hello everyone!
The ninth challenge at Izazovi i slatkisi. bring an -"Anything Goes theme".

Evo moje cestitke:
Here is my card:

Pecat je Elphine House. Bojen je akvarel bojicama na 300g akvarel papiru .
Tekst je Whiff of Joy pecat.
The stamp is Elphine House.
It was coloured
with watercolour papers on 300g aquarel paper.The sentiment i.Whiff of Joy. 

I'm entering Elisabeth Bell's World challenge - "Animal Antics"
Live and Love Crafts - "Easter"
Craftalnica - "Vintage"
Simon Says Stamp - "Anything Goes"
Elphine House - "Tag it"

Tu je i slatkis za jednog od ucesnika.
We have a candy again for one of the participants.
U izazovu mozete da ucestvujete do 18h, 11. aprila.
You can participate in the cahllenge till 18 h, on April 11th.


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Prolece/Cvetici ~ Spring/Flowers

Tema osmog izazova na blogu  Izazovi i slatkisi. je -"Prolece/Cvetici".

Hello !
The theme of the seventh challenge at Izazovi i slatkisi. is -"Spring/Flowers".

Moja cestitka:
My card:

Pecat sam kupila nedavno u Budimpesti i
nisam sigurna koja kompanija je u pitanju. U svakom slucaju mnogo mi se svideo, a nije bio skup. :). Bojen je akvarel bojicama na 300g akvarel papiru .
Tekst je Stampendous pecat. 
The stamp I bought recently in Budapest and I'm not sure which company it is. Anyway, I liked it a lot and it wasn't expensive. :) It was coloured with watercolour papers on 300g aquarel paper. 
The sentiment is Stampendous.

I naravno, ponovo imamo slatkis za jednog od ucesnika.
And of course, we have a candy again for one of the participants.
U izazovu mozete da ucestvujete do 18h, 28. marta.
You can participate in the cahllenge till 18 h, on March 28th.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Moje objavljene cestitke :) /My published cards :)

Zdravo svima!
Konacno mogu da vam pokazem svoje dve cestitke koje su bile objavljene u Whimsy Stamps Inspirations Magazinu, izdanju # 11  (na strani 33). :) Ovo je "free on-line" verzija magazina, a magazin je takodje dostupan i u stampanoj formi - ovde. :)

Hi everyone!
I can finally show you my two cards that were published in the Whimsy Stamps Inspirations Magazine Issue 11  (on page 33)  :)This is a free online version of the magazine and the magazine is also available in print - here.

Prva cesttika je za Dan zaljubljenih (poklonila sam je svom decku :) )
First card is for Valentines Day ( I gave it to my boyfriend :) )

Pecat je Whimsy Stamps - "Special Delivery Pup". Bojen je akvarel bojicama na 300g akvarel papiru.
The stamp is Whimsy Stamps - "Special Delivery Pup". It was coloured with watercolour pencils on 300g watercolour paper.

Tekst je takodje Whimsy Stamps - "Love Letter Seals".
Koristila sam Spelbinders Nestabillites Die (secku) - Classic Scalloped Ovals Large.
Papiri su My Minds Eye - "Bloom and Grow" i Prima - "Annalee". Tu su jos  prima cvetici, srculenca, kao i cipka i tracica, a koristila sam i jedan busac.

The sentiment is also Whimsy Stamps - "Love Letter Seals".
I used a Spellbinders Nestabillites Die - Classic Scalloped Ovals Large.
The papers are My Minds Eye - "Bloom and Grow", Prima - "Annalee". I added two Prima flowers, hear gems, lace and ribbon and I also used a punch.

Druga cestitka je rodjendanska, jer je Whimsy Stamps kompanija proslavila rodjendan. :)
The second card is a Birthday one, because Whimsy Stamps company celebrated their Birthday. :)

Pecat je Whimsy Stamp - "Tippy by the Tail". Bojen je takodje akvarel bojicama na 300g akvarel papiru.
The stamp is Whimsy Stamp - "Tippy by the Tail". It was also coloured with watercolour pencils on 300g watercolour paper.

Tekst je takodje Whimsy Stamps, Birthday Letter Seals.   Koristila sam i Whimsy Shapeology  Ticket Die.
Papiri su K&Co - "Classic K McKenna" i Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Dodala sam cvetic od filca, par dugmica, cipku i tracicu.

The sentiment is also Whimsy Stamps, Birthday Letter Seals.  I used Whimsy Shapeology  Ticket Die
The papers are K&Co - "Classic K McKenna" and Sweet Shoppe Designs.
I added a felt flower, a couple of buttons, lace and ribbon.

Mnogo mi je drago i velika mi je cast sto su moje cestitke objavljene u Whimsy Stamps Magazinu! :)
I'm really glad and it's a great honour that two of my cards were published in a Whimsy Stamps Magazine! :)

Prijatan dan vam zelim!
Have a lovely day!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Tackasto/Dotty - Izazovi i slatkisi # 7

Tema sedmog izazova na blogu  Izazovi i slatkisi. je -"Tackasto'.

Hello !
The theme of the seventh challenge at Izazovi i slatkisi. is -"Dotty".

Moja cestitka:
My card:

Motiv je Belles  'n Whistles. Bojen je akvarel bojicama na 300g akvarel papiru .
Tekst je Whiff of Joy pecat. 
The stamp is Belles 'n Whistles.It was coloured with watercolour papers on 300g aquarel paper. 
The sentiment is Whiff of Joy.

I'm entering  Simon Says challenge - "Anything Goes"

I naravno, ponovo imamo slatkis za jednog od ucesnika.
And of course, we have a candy again for one of the participants.
U izazovu mozete da ucestvujete do 18h, 14. marta.
You can participate in the cahllenge till 18 h, on March 14th.


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