
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Liebster Blog Award- hvala Ivana!!!

Zdravo, svima! 
Dobila sam jednu divnu nagradu od Ivane  - Leonove mastarije, hvala ti puno, Ivana! :)


 A evo i pravila:

1. Zahvaliti se osobi koja te je nominovala i objaviti link  kao vezu do  njenog bloga.

2. Navesti 11 činjenica o sebi.

3. Odgovoriti na 11 pitanja koje ti je postavila osoba od koje si dobila nagradu.

4. Nominirati 11 blogera koji imaju manje od 200 sledbenika.

11 cinjenica o meni:  - kreativna, uporna, htela sam da postanem glumica, jos uvek se nadam da cu postati pisac, obozavam da gledam horore jos od malih nogu, volim putovanja,  vrlo ponosna 'keka',  obozavam da plivam, volim Saru Kej, pre vise godina naucila sam spanski gledajuci spanske serije (ouch), pridruzila se 'English speaking' (or writing) forumu jos pre skoro 7 godina, kao strastveni obozavalac serije Put za Ejvonli i En iz Grin Gejblsa (Zelenih Zabata).

 Ivanina pitanja: 

1. Zima ili leto?
Zavisi...ako je zima bez snega i sa temperaturama od 15C, onda je ne volim, volim sneg. S druge strane volim lepo vreme, obozavam da plivam, ali kad su nesnosne vrucine od 40C +, onda bas ne volim leto. Mislim da cu se odluciti za zimu, mada je moje omiljeno godisnje doba jsen. :)

2. Film ili knjiga?
Opet tezak izbor... volim i knjige i filmove..Rekla bih da to zavisi od toga koliko su dobri knjiga ili film i za sta sam od to dvoje u odredjenom trenutku raspolozena. Ako je u pitanju knjiga i film radjen po toj knjizi, onda svakako knjiga. Ranije, kad sam imala vise slobodnog vremena ( i manje hobija ;) ), mnogo vise sam citala, sad nekako pre odgledam neki film, nego sto posegnem za knjigom, tako da u ovom trenutku milsim da biram film.

3. Koji vam je omiljeni kolač?
Hmm, jako tesko pitanje, posto stvarno volim poslastice...Recimo jafa kolac.

4. Šta najviše volite da pravite vezano za svoj hobi?
Cestitke . :)

5. Imate li kućnog ljubimca?
Papagaja - Mikija.

6. Šta vas veseli?
Dosta toga, moj sestric i sestricina, vreme provedeno sa verenikom, razgovor uz kaficu sa prijateljicom, putovanja, sitnice koje kupim ili dobijem, lepe reci koje mi neko uputi... 

7. Omiljeni cvet?
Zuta ruza, a obozavam i kadifu, kao i suncokrete.

8. Volite li da poklanjate?
Mnogo volim da poklanjam.:)

9. Omiljena knjiga?
Gordost i predrasude od Dzejn Ostin, Orkanski Visovi od Emili Bronte, Ema od Dzejn Ostin, En iz Grin Gejblsa od Lusi Mod Montgomeri, Devicanski plavo od Trejsi Sevalije, Kci srece od Izabel Aljende, Memoari jedne gejse od Artura Goldena...uf, ima ih mnogo... :)

10. Koliko vam znače komentari na blogu?
Znace mi prilicno, iskrena da budem. Inace imam utisak kao da postove pisem i objavljujem sama sebi.

11. Omiljena boja?
Narandzasta, braon, zuta.

Evo mojih pitanja:
  1. Kafa ili caj?
  2. Od kada pisete svoj blog?
  3. Vase omiljeno doba dana je...?
  4. Omiljeni miris? (ne parfem)
  5. Omiljeni ukus?
  6. Vas hobi #1 je...?
  7. Da li ste prestali da pratite neki blog koji ste ranije pratili? Zasto?
  8. Da li ucestvujete u giveaway-ima?
  9. Da li saljete/dobijate cestitke za rodjendan, Novu godinu...?
  10. Omiljeni crtani film/emisija iz vaseg detinjstva je...?
  11. Vasa omiljena pesma je...) (ako moze i link da je i mi poslusamo) :)
 A blogovi kojima dodeljujem ovu nagradu su:
(trudila sam se da ne ponavljam blogove koji su vec dobili nagradu, ali ima mnogo, mnogo vise od ovih 11 koje bih nominovala)
  1. Jasna - Cestitke i albumi
  2. Andreja - Ustvarja An.La
  3. Keti - Ketrin's Little Projects
  4. Jovana - Super Anisoptera
  5. Anica - Ondinijana
  6. Moni - Moni Ustvarja
  7. Marija - Afrodita Creations
  8. Slavica - Creativa Cale
  9. Jelena - Smithouse by Jelena MS
  10.  Sandra - KO TO TAMO...
  11.  Mala kuvarica
Hvala jos jednom, Ivana! Evo sneg je ponovo poceo da pada, odoh u jednu lepu setnju. :) 


Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Save more with every purchase at Sunflowerfield!!!


Sunflowerfield webstore was opened a little over two months ago, so we are pretty young and new in the craft world.
We appreciate all the support that we get and as we have just made our first steps, of course, we need support. :) 
Our idea is to grow and be there for our customers, thinking about their wishes and needs. 
We want to thank all of our customers for giving us a chance, we certainly hope that you have been pleased with our service. :)
And as a reward for our regular customers and all those who are going to become that, we have thought of a way in which you will be able to save more, with every new purchase in our store.

And this is how it works. 

From today, as soon as you place an order in our webstore, you will receive a 5% discount code which you will be able to use with your next purchase. 
After the second order, you will, again receive a discount code, this time on a 10% , to use with your next (third) order. 
After the third order you will get a 15% discount code and finally, after your 4th order a 20% discount code which you will then be able to use until  the end of the year (from the date of your first purchase).
All codes, except the 20% one, can be used once in the course of a year. 
The 20% discount code, once you have received it, can be used as many times as you wish until one year, after your first order, has completed.

And that is not all, every month, starting with February 1st, we will be having a featured product, which you will be able to get for -50% from its original price, until, of course that product remains in stock.
Where else do you get such fantastic deals?

Share your thoughts, please. :)

For the end of this post I would like to ask you, what kind of products, or which products and stamps would you like to see in our webstore?

Monday, 27 January 2014

Baby, it's cold outside...

It finally started snowing here again after over a month and today it's really cold, so I just felt like making a winter themed card again. :) 
So, I used one of the Whimsy Stamps available in our webstore. The stamp is called - Baby, It's Cold Outside . You will find some of the Whimsy stamps on a 15% and 30 % off right now, as well, as some other stamps and products, check out our special offer which ends January 31st!
The green paper is a Sunflowerfield Designs download designed by Tuomas Masalin and you can get this paper for free, just click here . The sentient ticket digi stamp is also Sunflowerfield Designs that you can get for free, also just click here. :)

I coloured the image with watercolour pencils, added some lace, snowflakes and a handmade flower.

I will just remind you that our first challenge starts on February 1st and there is still time to enter our big giveaway!
Also our freebie for January has been posted yesterday - Teddy with Flowers, you can get it for free here.
And don't forget that you can preorder our first rubber stamp kit until February 4th, you will of course be able to order our rubber stamps after that period, but the kits won't be available after that date and with the kit you can save 30 euros!!!

I'm entering:
Kaboodle Doodles  - Baby, It's Cold Outside 
Make it Monday - Always Anything Goes 
Stamp and Create -  Winter Wonderland 
Amusing Challenges - Anything Goes.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Teddy with Flowers - free digi stamp at Sunflowerfield Designs! /Meda sa cvecem - besplatan digitalni motiv na Sunflowerfield Designs blogu!

Zdravo svima!
Imamo besplatan digitalni pecat danas na Sunflowerfield Designs blogu. Digi pecat se zove Meda sa cvecem
Evo cestitke koju sam ja napravila sa tim motivom.
Da preuzmete digitalni pecat, kliknite ovde.

Hello everyone!
We have a free digi stamp posted at Sunflowerfield Designs blog today. The digi stamp is called Teddy with Flowers.
Here is a card I made using that image.
To take the digi stamp, go here.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Novi izazov na blogu Izazovi i slatkisi - sponzor - Sunflowerfield! /New challenge on the Challenges and Candies blog sponsored by Sunflowerfield!

Zdravo svima! 
Hello everyone!

Tema 26. izazova na blogu "Izazovi i slatkisi"  je 'Monohromatski'.
The theme of the 26th challenge on the  "Izazovi i slatkisi" blog. is 'Monochromatic'.

Za svoju DT cestitku ja sam koristila jedan od Sunflowerfield Designs digitalnih pecata iz kolekcije 'Dan zaljubljenih' Zove se Happy Puppy.

For my DT card I have used one of the Sunflowerfield Designs digital stamps from the Valentines release, called 'Happy Puppy'.

Motiv sam obojima akvarel bojicama.

I coloured the image with watercolour pencils

Braon tracicu takodje mozete naci u Sunflowerfield prodavnici.
The brown ribbon can also be found in our webstore.

I'm entering:
Crafty Catz - Monochrome
  Crafty Hands Challenge Blog - Put a Tag on It
 Digitally Sweet - Anything Goes
Simply Create Too - Valentines Day or Use Hearts
 Stempelsonnen Challenge - Animals

Sponzor izazova je Sunflowerfield!
The sponsor of the challenge is Sunflowerfield!

We are a small company located in Finland and we offer 'Cozy Home Products and Crafters' Essentials'.
We have our own 'Sunflowerfield Designs' rubber and digi stamps designed by Vanja Stevanovic and stamps from three fabulous companies: Wild Rose Studio, Whimsy Stamps and Crafty Sentiment Designs.
In our webstore you will find quality ink pads, designer paper packs, different embellishments (brads, gems, pearls, charms...); wooden elements like: hearts, stars, flowers... then satin flowers, paper roses, laces, ribbons, acrylic blocks and more.
We ship internationally with low postage costs starting at only 1,5 euros and we have a regular 24% VAT discount for all countries outside EU.
And don't forget to folow our blog and enter our giveaway and our first monthly challenge that starts on February1st!

 I must remind you about our specials offers!!! 
Many stamps from your favourite companies - Whimsy Stamps, Crafty Sentiment Designs and Wild Rose Studio, including some ribbons, paper pack and some ink pads are on  a fantastic special discount now - 15% and - 30% off!!! Until January 31st.

Looking for products to make your Valentines cards? Search no more, as we have all the Valentines products in one place, check our Valentines shop! :)

And don't forget that our rubber stamps are on preorder until February 4th. Preorder the whole Spring Kit and save 30 euros!!! 
More info in our webstore!

Thursday, 23 January 2014

-15% and -30% off on many stamps and some products in the shop!!!


Just a quick post to let you know about our specials offers!!! 

Many stamps from your favourite companies - Whimsy Stamps, Crafty Sentiment Designs and Wild Rose Studio, including some ribbons, paper pack and some ink pads are on  a fantastic special discount now - 15% and - 30% off!!! 

Hurry up and get them before they are gone. :)

And don't forget to folow our blog and enter our giveaway!!!

Monday, 20 January 2014

Sunflowerfield Designs Monthly Challenges info and a TRIPLE chance to win!!

Hello, everyone!
We have some news for you!!!

As of February we will be posting monthly challenges!!!

 Our first, Sunflowerfield Designs Monthly challenge will be posted on the store blog on February 1st and each month we will offer two (2!) prizes!!!

Challenge rules in short:
Challenges will be posted every first Saturday of each month.
You will be able to enter our challenge three times and combine as many challenges as you like and you don't have to use our products, you will still be eligible for one prize, however, if you do use our products, you will be eligible for both of our prizes!!!
No backlinking, only new creations and you must link to our blog in your post.
We only ask that you FOLLOW OUR BLOG, as only Followers WILL BE ELIGIBLE TO 

And now, to celebrate this fabulous news, we are offering a prize already and not 1 but two!!!

A 10 euors voucher to our webstore!

and  four Digi Stamps of winner's choice!

So, if you would like to win this voucher and the digis, all you should do is BECOME OUR FOLLOWER (if you are not alredy) and SPREAD THE WORD about our monthly challenges and chance to win! 
1. Just take either the 1st  prize banner above, or our challenge banner and put it on your sidebar. :) 
2. Write above or under the banner that Sunflowerfield Designs challenge starts February 1st and that there is a giveaway on our blog with prizes to be won!
3. link back to either this post or the blog.

And that's it!

But, just in case two prizes aren't enough we have a speacial  3rd prize too, IF WE REACH 100 FOLLOWERS, by February 1st, the winner will also receive our
Sunflowerfield Designs RUBBER STAMP Spring Kit!!!

Our Spring Kit is currently on preorder!!
(The size of the kit is A4 (21x29,7 cm or 8.5x11'')!
It contains 19 STAMPS! 6 cute, bigger stamps (none under 9 cm or 3.5"), 3 smaller stamps, 5 accessory stamps and 5 sentiments (including one sentiment in Finnish and one in Serbian). 
You only pay approx. 1,85 euros per stamp!!!
The stamp kit comes as a deeply etched, red rubber stamp plate (unmounted, bare rubber), 100% produced in USA.
Available exclusively in Sunflowerfield!
You can preorder this stamp kit until February the 4th.
Approx. 14 days after the preorders end date your stamp kits will be shipped to you!!!)

So, help us spread the word and reach 100 followers on the store blog!!!

The winner will be announced in our first challenge, on February 1st!

Thank you stopping by today, tomorrow our regular DT postings start on the store blog, there will be lots of inspiration, tutorials, challenges, news...on our blog, so lots of reasons to become a follower! :)

Friday, 17 January 2014

Meet Hope and Dunja, Sunflowerfield Designs RUBBER and Digi stamps! :)

Hello everyone! 

 Tonight I would like to show you two cards, which feature three of our new Sunflowerfiled Designs rubber stamps and Sunflowerfield Designs digi stamps!

The RUBBER STAMPS are currently on preorder and you can order them as a stamp kit, or you can preorder single stamps.

My first card features 'Hope' one of our RUBBER stamps!

Deeply etched, unmounted red rubber stamp produced in USA.

Red paper roses are also available in our store.

You can preorder Hope here. :)

Or you can preorder the whole Spring Kit and save 30 euros!!!

(The size of the kit is A4 (21x29,7 cm or 8.5x11'')!
It contains 19 STAMPS! 6 cute, bigger stamps (none under 9 cm or 3.5"), 3 smaller stamps, 5 accessory stamps and 5 sentiments (including one sentiment in Finnish and one in Serbian). 
You only pay approx. 1,85 euros per stamp!!!
The stamp kit comes as a deeply etched, red rubber stamp plate (unmounted, bare rubber), 100% produced in USA.
Available exclusively in Sunflowerfield!
You can preorder this stamp kit until February the 4th.
Approx. 14 days after the preorders end date your stamp kits will be shipped to you!!!)

With this card I'm entering:

The second card features Dunja Hugging a Heart, our new Valentines Digi Stamp, which is available to purchase here.

You get most of our digi stamps in:  File formats: JPG, PNG, TIFF 300 dpi/600x1400; PDF A4

The tag is also a digi stamp, from the new 'The Love-ly tags' set, available here.

The little wooden hearts and white roses are also available in the store.

All the stamps have been designed by yours truly. :)

With this card I'm entering:
 Digi Galore challenge - Monochromatic
Brown Sugar - Anything Goes
Digitally Sweet -Anything Goes 
Simply Create Too - Valentine's Day or Use Hearts
Inspired By - Picture as inspiration

Thank you for stopping by! :)

DT cards for Izazovi i slatkisi (Challenges and candies)


Tema 23. izazova na blogu "Izazovi i slatkisi" bila je 'Zimske carolije'
The theme of the 23rd challenge on the   "Izazovi i slatkisi" blog.  was 'Winter Magic'

Evo moje cestitke. 
Here is my card:

The stamp is Whiff of Joy, the sentiment stamp is Whimsy Stamps.

Tema 24. izazova na blogu "Izazovi i slatkisi" bila je 'U toplom domu'
The theme of the 24th challenge on the   "Izazovi i slatkisi" blog.  was 'Inside a Warm Home'

Evo moje cestitke. 
Here is my card:

The stamps are Whmsy Stamps.

Tema 25. izazova na blogu "Izazovi i slatkisi", koji je u toku, je 'Omiljeno godisnje doba'
The theme of the 25th challenge on the  "Izazovi i slatkisi" blog. , which you can still enter, is 'Favourite season'

The digi stamp is The Paper Shelter, sentiment stamp is Whiff of Joy.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Sunflowerfield Designs Valentines Release BLOG HOP (and our RUBBER STAMPS PREORDER INFO)!!!

Welcome to Sunflowerfield Designs Valentine's Release Blog Hop!!!

Five new, Valentines, digital stamps have been released: 

and a set of three 'Love-ly tags', 

they are now available in Sunflowerfield webstore!

If you haven't arrived here from Christine's blog, you should go back to Sunflowerfield Store blog, to start the Blog Hop from the beginning!!!

For my card I have used Laki in Love digi stamp and one of the 'Love-ly tags',.
The papers are Wild Rose Studio, Annebelle's Garden, also available in our store.
I coloured the image with watercolour pencils.

(I'm entering: 
Through The Craft Room Door - Always Anything Goes 
Crafting from the Heart - Anything Goes / Pearls or Buttons 
Creative Creations Challenge Blog - Anything Goes

Before you move onto to first blog in line, there is another exciting news ...

You can preorder the stamps as  a deeply- etched, red rubber A4 stamp plate (unmounted, bare rubber, in size of 21 x29,7 cm or 8.5 x 11''), or you can preorder single stamps! Produced in USA.

Preorder the kit and save 30 euros!!!

The stamp kit contains 19 stamps all together:  6 cute, bigger stamps (none under 9 cm or 3.5"), 3 smaller stamps, 5 accessory stamps and 5 sentiments (including one sentiment in Finnish and one in Serbian). 
You only pay approx. 1,85 euros per stamp!!!

Available exclusively in Sunflowerfield!
Approx. 14 days after the preorders end date your stamp kits will be shipped to you!!!

The preorder period ends on February 4th!
The first three that order the rubber stamp kit will get free shipping!!!

More information in our webstore!!!


Now you should move on to the next blog in line and that is  Mari's blog!!!

Don't forget to leave a comment on each of the DTs blogs for  a chance to win the entire Valentines release!!!

Here is the list with links in the blog hop order of all the participants:

The Blog Hop ends on January 20th!

Thank you for hopping with us!


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