Sharing this from Sunflowerfield blog
Sharing this from Sunflowerfield blog
Wow, it's almost been a year since we started this adventure and what a year it has been! :)
With it's ups and downs, but we don't regret one bit, because this is what we love doing! :)
Sunflowerfield has opened it's door on November 10th, 2013! :)
is thanks to you, all of you our dear friends and customers, that we
have come to this milestone and we thought the proper way to show you
how much we appreciate every one of you, is to put up a candy with some
delicious crafty goodies!!! :)
And, the best part of it - you don't need to do anything - as the draw will take place on November 20th and if you have been lucky enough, you will be notified via email!
Not a registered customer at Sunflowerfield? Don't worry if you ever placed an order in our webstore, you will be in the draw, but we do invite you to register and enjoy all the registered customer's benefits in the webstore such as: ''Save More with Every Purchase at Sunflowerfield'' and ''Receive Free Gifts with Every Purchase at Sunflowerfield - Word of Mouth.'' :)
Even if you haven't placed an order in our webstore yet, don't worry, if you do so until midnight November 20th, you will be in the draw as well!. :)
all our 'old' and 'new' customers and those that will become that,
watch your emails after the 20th November, so you don't miss claiming
this yummy candy and in the meantime, have you seen all the gorgeous new products that have arrived? :)''