Zdravo svima!
Evo nesto malo drugacije od mene, za promenu. Isplela sam tri novogodisnja ukrasa, tri Sneska Belica. Koristila sam vunu, plavu vunicu, crni i zutonarandzasti konac. Svidja mi se kako su ispali. Inspiraciju sam nasla ovde - knitted snowmen pattern, ali sam prilicno izmenila originalnu ideju, na primer nisam plela u krug, niti koristila filc, a i boje su malo drugacije. ;)
Izgleda nista od snega za Novu godinu...:(
Sta vi planirate za docek? Ja sam se odlucila za mirnu, opustenu varijantu kod kuce u krugu porodice uz finu muziku i dobru hranu i pice. :)
Hello everyone!
Here is a little something a bit different from me. I knitted three New years ornaments , three snowmen. I used wool, blue yarn, black and yellow/orange thread. I like it how they turned out. I found an inspiration here - knitted snowmen pattern, but I pretty much changed the original idea, like, I didn't knit in cirlce, or use felt, and the colours are a bit different... ;)
No snow for the New Years Eve it seems... :(
What are your plans for the New Years Eve? I've decided for the quiet, relaxed option of staying at home in the family circle with fine music and good food and drinks. :)
Lep vikend vam zelim! :)
Have a nice weekend!

Izgleda nista od snega za Novu godinu...:(
Sta vi planirate za docek? Ja sam se odlucila za mirnu, opustenu varijantu kod kuce u krugu porodice uz finu muziku i dobru hranu i pice. :)
Hello everyone!
Here is a little something a bit different from me. I knitted three New years ornaments , three snowmen. I used wool, blue yarn, black and yellow/orange thread. I like it how they turned out. I found an inspiration here - knitted snowmen pattern, but I pretty much changed the original idea, like, I didn't knit in cirlce, or use felt, and the colours are a bit different... ;)
No snow for the New Years Eve it seems... :(
What are your plans for the New Years Eve? I've decided for the quiet, relaxed option of staying at home in the family circle with fine music and good food and drinks. :)
Lep vikend vam zelim! :)
Have a nice weekend!