Zdravo svima!
Sta covek da radi kada dobije punu vanglu slatkih domacih jagoda? Da uziva jeduci ih, naravno! ;)
Hello everyone!
What is a person supposed to do, when they get a bowl full of sweet home grown strawberries? To enjoy eating them, of course! ;)
Hello everyone!
What is a person supposed to do, when they get a bowl full of sweet home grown strawberries? To enjoy eating them, of course! ;)
Nama je medjutim, i posto smo se postenski najeli istih, ostalo toliko mnogo (slika odozgo), a do sutradan bi se vec pokvarile, tako da smo odlucili da ih iskoristimo na neki drugi nacin, da napravimo nesto od njih. Odluka je pala na slatko i vocni jogurt (ja sam doduse napravila i kolac koji je bio potpuni fijasko, o njemu nekom drugom prilikom ;).
I tako sam ja prionula na posao. A, imala sam i podrsku :)
We, however, even after we ate a lot of them, had so much of them left (the above picture) and by tomorrow they would have gone bad, that we decided to use them in some other way, too, to make something with them. The decission was made and we were to make "slatko" and yogurt ( I made the cake, too, which was a complete disaster, more about it in aosme other post;).
And so I started working. And I had a support, too. :)
I tako sam ja prionula na posao. A, imala sam i podrsku :)
We, however, even after we ate a lot of them, had so much of them left (the above picture) and by tomorrow they would have gone bad, that we decided to use them in some other way, too, to make something with them. The decission was made and we were to make "slatko" and yogurt ( I made the cake, too, which was a complete disaster, more about it in aosme other post;).
And so I started working. And I had a support, too. :)
Ovo nije klasican recept, i ne bih bas mnogo da se pravim pametna, jer sigurna sam da svi otprilike znaju kako se pravi slatko i da svakako ima mnogo u tome iskusnijih od mene, ali ja cu evo ipak ukratko podeliti sa vama kako sam ja, po prvi put, pravila slatko od jagoda. :)
This is not a clasical recipe and I wouldn't want to make smart, because I'm sure that more or less everyoen knows how "slatko" is made and that there are people with much more experience in that., but I will in short share with you, how I for the first time, made strawberry slatko.
This is not a clasical recipe and I wouldn't want to make smart, because I'm sure that more or less everyoen knows how "slatko" is made and that there are people with much more experience in that., but I will in short share with you, how I for the first time, made strawberry slatko.
Oprala sam i ocistila (skinula peteljke) sa 2 kg jagoda, krupnije presekla na pola, sitnije ostavila citave i pocela da ih redjam u serpu, po principu red secera, red jagoda, s tim da secera bude koliko i jagoda, znaci 2kg (nisam koristila limun, niti limontus). Ubrzo sam, medjutim, shvatila da mi 2 kg jagoda ne moze stati u serpu koju sam imala na raspolaganju, te sam smanjila kolicinu na 1 kg i 600g, toliko i secera.
I washed and cleaned 2kg strawberries, bigger cut in half, smaller ones left whole and aranged them in a pot, row of sugar, then row of strawbeeries, so taht there's sugar as much as strawberries (2kg) ( I didn't use lemon). Soon, however, I realized that 2kg of strawberries won't fit in the pot I was using, so I put less of both strawberries and sugar, 1kg 600g of each.
I washed and cleaned 2kg strawberries, bigger cut in half, smaller ones left whole and aranged them in a pot, row of sugar, then row of strawbeeries, so taht there's sugar as much as strawberries (2kg) ( I didn't use lemon). Soon, however, I realized that 2kg of strawberries won't fit in the pot I was using, so I put less of both strawberries and sugar, 1kg 600g of each.
Redjala sam tako da obavezno secer bude na dnu i na vrhu. Zasto? Nisam bas sigurna, ali mum said so, pa se pitanje i ne postavlja. :)
I aranged them so that sugar would be on the bottom as well as on top. Why? I'm not quite sure, but mum said so and so there was no questioning about that. :)
I aranged them so that sugar would be on the bottom as well as on top. Why? I'm not quite sure, but mum said so and so there was no questioning about that. :)
Dodala sam i 2 vanilin secera, pa prekrila lepljivom folijom i ostavila u frizideru do sutradan.
I added to packs of vanilla sugar and covered the pot and left it in the fridge by the next morning.
Ujutru sam skinula foliju i stavila jagode i secer da se kuvaju. Kad je provrilo, smanjila sam temperaturu, ali tako da slatko i dalje vri po malo. Bez mesanja, samo sam s' veremena na vreme prodrmala serpu.
In the morning, I uncovered it and put strawberries and sugar to be cooked on the stove. When it boiled, I lowered the temperature, but so that "slatko" would keep shimmering a little. Without mixing, just from time to time I would shake the pot.
In the morning, I uncovered it and put strawberries and sugar to be cooked on the stove. When it boiled, I lowered the temperature, but so that "slatko" would keep shimmering a little. Without mixing, just from time to time I would shake the pot.
Penu sam obavezno skidala kasikom.
I took off the foam witha spoon. (it's a must)
I took off the foam witha spoon. (it's a must)
Koliko se slatko kuva, tesko je reci, jer sve zavisi od kolicine, samog sporeta...Ja sam moj kuvala, oko sat vremena. Proveravala sam par puta pred kraj kuvanja da li je slatko gotovo, tako sto sam vadila kasikom malo vodice iz slatkog na tacnicu i kad se ohladi, gledala sam koliko se lepilo za kascicu, koliko je bilo gusto i kako je kapalo sa kascice.Treba da bude lepljivo, ali ne previse, ne kao med, jer bi u tom slucaju bilo prekuvano i kasnije bi se usecerilo.
How long slatko is cooked, it's hard to say, as it depends on the fruit, the stove...I cooked mine for about an hour. I checked a couple of times, close to the moment when it was about to be cooked, by taking some liquid on a saucer and when it would cool, I checked how sticky was to the teaspoon, how tick and the way it poured out of the teaspoon. It should be sticky, but not too much, not like honey, because in that case it would be overcooked and became "sugary" afterwords.
Posle drugog provravanja, po mom ( i misljenju moje mame, iskusne kuvarice) slatko je bilo gotovo. :)
Afther the second checking by my (and my mum's opinion, an esperienced cook), slatko was done. :)
Afther the second checking by my (and my mum's opinion, an esperienced cook), slatko was done. :)
Prekrila sam mokrom krpom i ostavila da se prohladi.
I covered it with wet cloth and let it cool
I covered it with wet cloth and let it cool
Red je bio da se proba i da se sipa u tegle.:)
It was time to taste it and pour it into jars. :)
It was time to taste it and pour it into jars. :)
Dobila sam tri tegle od, ako se ne varam 750g, s tim sto treca nije bila puna.
I got three, 750g jars, if I'm right, but the third one wasn't full.
I got three, 750g jars, if I'm right, but the third one wasn't full.
E, sad posto ja nisam "food blogger", sto se moze vrlo lako primetiti, ;), ali volim ponekad da podelim sa vama i po neki recept, kad je slatko bilo gotovo, moj (kreativni) posao tek je poceo. :) Resila sam da "dekorisem" tegle.
And now, since I'm not a food blogger, which you can notice easily;), but I like sometimes to share a recipe, when slatko was done, my (creative) work began.:) I decided to "decorate" the jars.
And now, since I'm not a food blogger, which you can notice easily;), but I like sometimes to share a recipe, when slatko was done, my (creative) work began.:) I decided to "decorate" the jars.
Bacila sam se na pravljenje etiketa. :) Uradila sam tri.
I started making jar labels.:) I made three.
I started making jar labels.:) I made three.
Posto sam htela da tegle budu "vintage", nisam htela beli papir, vec sam
uzela neki zelenkasti, vodootporni papir, malo deblji od hamer papira.Sa zadnje strane zalepila sam obostrano lepljivu traku.
Since I wanted jars to be "vintage", I didn't want to use white paper, but a greenish one, waterproof and a little thicker than the simple paper for printing. On the back side I put doublesided tape.
Since I wanted jars to be "vintage", I didn't want to use white paper, but a greenish one, waterproof and a little thicker than the simple paper for printing. On the back side I put doublesided tape.
Koristila sam dva Whiff Joy pecata sa jagodama, koje sam ispecatirala StazOn vodootpornim mastilom i obojila ih Tim Holtz "Distress"
mastilom. Dodala sam i malo detalja sa belom Sakura gel olovkom. Tekst
"Sweet" je takodje Whiff of Joy, pecatiran Distress "Vintage Photo"
mastilom, kao i pecat sa gornje i donje strane, koji je inace
"Stampendous", isto mastilo sam koristila i za ivice papira/etikete.
Koristila sam i busac u levom donjem i desnom gornjem uglu.
I used Whiff of Joy stamp with strawberries, which I stamped with StazOn ink pad and coloured with Tim Holtz Distress inks. I addd some details with white Sakura gel pen. The sentiment "sweet" is also Whiff of Joy, stamped with distress ink pad "Vintage "Photo", just like the stamp on the top and bottom sides, which is "Stampendous", the same ink pad I used to distress the paper. I used a punch in the left bottom and right top angle.
I used Whiff of Joy stamp with strawberries, which I stamped with StazOn ink pad and coloured with Tim Holtz Distress inks. I addd some details with white Sakura gel pen. The sentiment "sweet" is also Whiff of Joy, stamped with distress ink pad "Vintage "Photo", just like the stamp on the top and bottom sides, which is "Stampendous", the same ink pad I used to distress the paper. I used a punch in the left bottom and right top angle.
Zalepila sam etikete na tegle i preko poklopca stavila ovo karirano platno, koje sam prethodno isekla na krugove i vezala koncem od kudelje.
I sticked the banners and over the leed put the ghingham material, which I previously cut in circles and I tied it with some rope.
I sticked the banners and over the leed put the ghingham material, which I previously cut in circles and I tied it with some rope.
Slatko je ispalo ( kao sto slatko inace ispadne ;) ) slatko i ukusno, i valjda sto su jagode domace, ima ukus slatkog od sitnih/sumskih jagodica. A moram da budem iskrena i da kazem da sam ovim malim "projektom" (dekorisanja tegli) prezadovoljna. :) Mnogo mi se svidjaju! Planiram da uradim isto ili nesto slicno i kad budem pravila slatko od neceg drugog, dzem i sl...
Slatko turned out (as it usually does ;) ), sweet and tasty and I guess because strawberries were home grown, it tastes like woodland strawberries slatko. And I have to be honest and say that with this project (decorating jars), I'm really sattisfied.I like them a lot! I plan to do the same or similar when I make some other fruit slatko, or jam or so...
Slatko turned out (as it usually does ;) ), sweet and tasty and I guess because strawberries were home grown, it tastes like woodland strawberries slatko. And I have to be honest and say that with this project (decorating jars), I'm really sattisfied.I like them a lot! I plan to do the same or similar when I make some other fruit slatko, or jam or so...
E, i dok sam jos uvek bila pod utiskom i u kreativnom zamahu ;) odlucih da napravim ovaj tag, od koga sam posle napravila cestitkicu. I tagom sam jako zadovoljna moram da kazem. U istom stilu, jagodice, "vintage", Whiff of Joy"..
And while I was still under impression and in creative spirit;) I decided to make this tag, from which I afterwards made a small card. I'm happy with the tag as well, I must say. It's in the same style, strawberries, "vintage", "Whiff of Joy"...
Pecatirala sam na istom zelenkastom papiru i bojila sa distress mastilom. Dodala sam isto karirano platno, malo cipke, cvetic, jagodicu. Tekst je takodje Whiff of oy. Pozadinu sam pecatirala jagodicama koje sam vec koristila za tegle.
I stamped on the same greenish paper and colored with distress inks. added the same ghingham material, some lace, flower, strawberry. The sentiment is also Whiff of Joy. I stamped the background with strawberry stamp, that I had already used for jar labels.
I stamped on the same greenish paper and colored with distress inks. added the same ghingham material, some lace, flower, strawberry. The sentiment is also Whiff of Joy. I stamped the background with strawberry stamp, that I had already used for jar labels.
Prijavljujem se za/I'm entering:
Whiff of Joy challenge - "Happy Birthday"
Elphine House Australia challenge - "Die cuts and layers"
Kao to sam rekla, pravila sam i vocni jogurt, ali o tome nekom drugom prilikom. :)
Like I said I made fruit yogurt, but more about it, some other time. :)
Like I said I made fruit yogurt, but more about it, some other time. :)
Don't forget about my/Ne zaboravite na moj giveaway/slatkis.
I sansu da dobijete jednu moju cestitku.
Takodje poziv za nove clanove tima "Izazovi i slatkisi" je u toku.
Lep vikend vam zelim! :)
Have a nice weekend! :)

mmmm jagodna marmelada; kako zelo sladka mora biti :-))
ReplyDeleteVšeč mi je tudi tvoj tagec; krasno si ga sestavila in uporabila krasne barve! Zelo šik!!!
Bravo Vanja, super ovo izgleda. Ali drugi put kad imate previše jagoda, molimte daj meni, ovde nemamo neke prave jagode, sve su plastične, baš mi nedostaju jagode sa pravim okusom i to domaće. Pozdrav, Moni
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely tag, lovely bright colours, thanx for joining us at WOJ and good luck, hugs, Marion
ReplyDeleteHow yummy those strawberries look and I know how good they taste. Thanks for sharing your Mum's recipe. The packaging is wonderful and will make a great gift, especially that wonderful tag. Another one of my favorite images and so beautifully colored. Thanks so much for joining us at Elphine House and we hope to see you again. "Hugs" Carol
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful tag, Vanja! Love the strawberry you added and the red gingham ribbon and paper is perfect to it. Thank you so much for joining us at Whiff of Joy Challenge. We hope to see you again with our next challenge starting tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Karina