Zdravo svima!
Ne mogu da verujem da me je samo nekoliko dana pre mora uhvatila prehlada, upala krajnika da budem preciznija...Sinoc sam imala i temperaturu... :( Ali sad pijem antibiotike i bice bolje do puta, nadam se ( i kucam u drvo...)
Spavala sam celo vece, do 2h i sad sam budna...
Spavala sam celo vece, do 2h i sad sam budna...
Imam dve Elphine House cestitke da vam pokazem.
Prvu cestitku sam napravila za poziv za clanove Elphine House dizajn tima.
Ja sam vec bila u njihovom timu i bilo mi je odlicno, ali sam morala na kratko da napravim pauzu od pravljenja cestitki i blogovanja.
Tema za poziv je "Drugarstvo".
Hello everyone!
I can't believe that only a few days before the seaside, I had to get a cold, tonsillitis, to be precise ... Last night I had a fever ... : (
I can't believe that only a few days before the seaside, I had to get a cold, tonsillitis, to be precise ... Last night I had a fever ... : (
But now I'm on antibiotics and it will be better by the trip I hope (and knock on wood...)
I slept all evening till 2am and now I'm awake...
I have two Elphine House cards to show you.
The first card I made for the Elphine House DT call
I have already been in their team and it was great, but I had to make a short break from blogging and making cards.
The theme for the call is "Friendship."
I slept all evening till 2am and now I'm awake...
I have two Elphine House cards to show you.
The first card I made for the Elphine House DT call
I have already been in their team and it was great, but I had to make a short break from blogging and making cards.
The theme for the call is "Friendship."
Pecat mozete naci kod Elphine House, zove se Carrie Princess: On a Swing., papiri su Stamperia, koristila sam 'Vintage Photo" i "Festive Berries", Tim Holtz distress mastila.Tag je Whimsy Stamps, a tekst na njemu je "For a special friend". Dodala sam cipku, tracicu, cvetice, a veliki, beli cvet sam sama napravila, od gaze.
The stamp you can find at Elphine House, it's called Carrie Princess: On a Swing. The paper is Stamperia, I used "Vintage Photo" and "Festive Berries", Tim Holtz distress inks. The tag is Whimsy Stamps, and the text on it says "For a special friend." I added some lace, ribbons, flowers and the big white flower I made myself, from cheese cloth.
Motiv sam bojila akvarel bojicama na 300g akvarel papiru. Koristila sam StazOn mastilo.
I coloured the image with watercolor pencils on watercolor paper 300g. I used StazOn ink.
With this card I'm also entering Elphine House Autralia challenge "Distressing"
I druga cestitka je cestitka za vencanje, koju sam napravila koristeci cetiri Elphine House pecata.
And the second card is a wedding card, which I made using four Elphine House stamps.
Papiri su Prima, Annallee. Dodala sam malo cipke i tracicu.
The papers are Prima, Annalee, I added some lace and ribbon
Motive sam bojila Tim Holtz distress mastilom.
I coloured the images with Tim Holts distress inks.
Prijatan vikend vam zelim!
Have a nice weekend!