Zdravo svima!
Veceras zelim da vam pokazem jednu cestitku koju sam napravila, neke divne poklone koje sam dobila i jos jedan video tutorijal koji sam uradila, ovog puta o bojenju motiva ljudske figure akvarel bojicama.
Hello everyone!
Tonight I would like to show you a card I made, some fabulous gifts I received and another video tutorial which I made, this time about colouring a human figure image with watercolour pencils.
Evo moje cestitke:
Here is my card:
Hello everyone!
Tonight I would like to show you a card I made, some fabulous gifts I received and another video tutorial which I made, this time about colouring a human figure image with watercolour pencils.
Evo moje cestitke:
Here is my card:
Papir je Folia Paper Bringmann - Garden.
Pecat je Stampavie, Picking Cherries od Gillian Roberts.
Tag je Whimsy Stamps. Dodala sam cipku, tracicu i ruzice.
Pecat je Stampavie, Picking Cherries od Gillian Roberts.
Tag je Whimsy Stamps. Dodala sam cipku, tracicu i ruzice.
The paper is Folia Paper Bringmann - Garden.
The stamp is Stampavie, Picking Cherries by Gillian Roberts
The tag is Whimsy Stamps. I added some lace, ribbon and roses.
The stamp is Stampavie, Picking Cherries by Gillian Roberts
The tag is Whimsy Stamps. I added some lace, ribbon and roses.
Motiv je obojen akvarel bojicama na 300g akvarel papiru. Koristila sam StazOn mastilo.
The image was coloured with watercolour pencils on a 300g watercolour paper. I used StazOn ink pad.
I'm entering Cute Card Thursday - Pretty Ribbons
Bunny Zoes Crafts - Something Blue
Ako zelite da vidite kako sam obojila motiv, pogledajte video tutorijal iz tri dela. :)
If you would like to see how I coloured the image, watch my three parts video tutorial. :)
Bojenje motiva ljudske figure akvarel bojicama - tutorijal 1:
Colouring a human figure image using watercolour pencils - tutorial 1:
Bojenje motiva ljudske figure akvarel bojicama - tutorijal 1:
Colouring a human figure image using watercolour pencils - tutorial 1:
Bojenje motiva ljudske figure akvarel bojicama - tutorijal 2:
Colouring a human figure image using watercolour pencils - tutorial 2:
Bojenje motiva ljudske figure akvarel bojicama - tutorijal 3:
Colouring a human figure image using watercolour pencils - tutorial 3:
Takodje, mozete pogledati moj video tutorijal o pecatima, koji sam takodje nedavno objavila na blogu. Tutorijal je na srpskom.
Also, you can watch my video tutorial about stamps, which I recently published on my blog. The tutorial is in Serbian.
A sad - pokloni!
And now - the gifts!
Pogledajte sta sam dobila od Ivane:
Look what I received from Ivana:

Hvala ti puno, Ivana, divno je! :)
Thank yo so much, Ivana, it's beautiful! :)
A zatim, slatkis koji sam osvojila na blogu kod Iris:
And then, a candy which I won at Iris's blog:
Hvala ti puno Iris, slatkis je fantastican!:)
Thank you so much, Iris, the candy is fantastic! :)
Toliko od mene za sad.
Zelim vam lepu i uspesnu sedmicu! :)
That's all for now.
I wish you a nice and successful week! :)