Zdravo sima!
Hello everyone!
Na samom pocetku ovog posta moram da vam pokazem prelepu cestitku koju je moj petogodisnji sestric napravio pre tri dana. I juce i prekjuce me pita :Keka, jesi li je postavila na blog?'. I evo konacno, da je vidite! Ja sam odusevljena, majka mu je pripomogla sasvim malo. :)
At the very beginning I need to show you the beautiful card that my 5 year old nephew has made a few days ago. For two days he's been asking me :' Aunty, have you posted it on the blog?'. And now finally you can see it, I'm delighted! His mumhas helped him just a tiny bit.
Lakijeva cestitka: ( 5 godina)
Laki's card: (5 years)
Svaka cast Laki!!! :)
Well done Laki!!! :)
If you maybe know a challenge for kids in which he could participate, please let me know! :)
It fits the theme of our challenge as well. :)
Hello everyone!
Na samom pocetku ovog posta moram da vam pokazem prelepu cestitku koju je moj petogodisnji sestric napravio pre tri dana. I juce i prekjuce me pita :Keka, jesi li je postavila na blog?'. I evo konacno, da je vidite! Ja sam odusevljena, majka mu je pripomogla sasvim malo. :)
At the very beginning I need to show you the beautiful card that my 5 year old nephew has made a few days ago. For two days he's been asking me :' Aunty, have you posted it on the blog?'. And now finally you can see it, I'm delighted! His mumhas helped him just a tiny bit.
Lakijeva cestitka: ( 5 godina)
Laki's card: (5 years)
Svaka cast Laki!!! :)
Well done Laki!!! :)
If you maybe know a challenge for kids in which he could participate, please let me know! :)
It fits the theme of our challenge as well. :)
Vreme je za novi, 17. po redu izazov na blogu "Izazovi i slatkisi". Tema je 'Romanticno'.
Iit's time for a new, 17th challenge at "Izazovi i slatkisi".The theme is 'Romantic'.
Kao i prosle nedelje, i u ovom izazovu imamo sponzora, ovog puta to je Ellephantastic!
Like last time, we have a sponsor for this challenge again, this time it's Ellephantastic!
A nagrada je 4 digitalna pecata!
And the prize is 4 digi stamps!
Nas tim je takodje koristio Ellephantastic
digitalne pecate za svoje cestitke. Ja sam koristila Elle's Ellephant.
digi stamps. I have used Elle's Ellephant.
Evo moje cestitke:
Here is my card:
Ja sam koristila obojenu verziju digitalnog pecata.
I have used the precoloured version of the digi stamp.
Izazov traje do 18h,3. oktobra..
The challenge ends at 18h CET, on October 3rd.
Zdravo Vanja, prekrasna čestitka i tvoja i od sestriča. Tvoj sestrič je super talentiran. Pozdrav, Moni
ReplyDeleteVrlo ljepi čestitki si napravila, Vanja!
ReplyDeletePozdravček :-))
Wow, sestrić ti je vrlo talentiran. Predivna mu je čestitka.Tvoja taskodjer.
ReplyDeleteLp, Sonja.
Divan je tvoj rad, ali ovoga puta sva moja pažnja i pohvale idu Lakiju.