Zdravo drage moje,
dugo me nije bilo na ovom blogu, ali prosto sam pozelela da posetim ovaj moj maleni kutak koji je toliko dugo bio zapostavljen.
To ce se promeniti.
Mozda necu objavljivati cesto kao ranije, ali bice postova. :)
Hi my dear friends,
I haven't been around for a very long time, but I just felt a great desire to visit my little den, which has been so neglected.
That is about to change.
I might not publish as often as I used to, but there will be posts. :)
Za danas zelim da vam pokazem jednu cestitku koju sam napravila jos letos, ali je, eto, na blogu, do sad nisam objavila.
Today I would like to show you a card I made last summer, but it still hasn't been published on the blog.
Pecat je Whiff of Joy, jedan od meni omiljenih i medju najstarijim koje imam.
Ne mozete da zamislite koliko dugo sam cekala na ovu porukicu, takodje Whiff of Joy koja savrseno ide uz ovaj pecat. Konacno je moja. :)
Za papire stvarno nisam sigurna, ali cvetovi su Wild Orchid Crafts, kao i tracica i miljence.
The stamp is Whiff of Joy, one of my favourites and among the oldest taht I have.
You can't imagine how long I have been waiting to get this matching sentiment, which goes so well with this image. It's finally mine. :)
I'm not sure about the papers, but the embellies are from the Wild Orchid Crafts.
Resila sam da malo ukrasim unutrasnjost cestitke.
I decided to decorate the inside of the card, as well.
Na zadnjoj strani tu je i moj pecat, koji je Whimsy Stamps.
On the back of the card, there is my stamp, which is from Whimsy Stamps.
Sta ima novo kod vas?
What have you been up to?

Lovely card.