Zdravo svima!
Evo mene opet sa jednim tutorijalom. Ovog puta u pitanju je bojenje motiva ljudske figure akvarel bojicama.
Ako ste propustili prvi tutorijal o bojenju motiva akvarel bojicama, mozete ga pogledati ovde.
Ovaj tutorijal sam uradila pre izvesno vremena, ali sma razmisljala da li da ga postavim, jer su slike ispale malo losijeg kvaliteta..Na kraju sam odlucila da pripremim i objavim post, jer je princip bojenja bitan, a krajnji rezultat se ipak lepo vidi. :)
(dakle jos jednom, izvinjavam se sto su slike malo mutnjikave)
Sta je bitno za ovaj tutorijal.
1. Da koristite vodootporno mastilo ( ja sam koristila StazOn Jet Black)
2. Da koristite akvarel papir, sto deblji, to bolje, jer vam pruza mogucnost da ekperimentisete, koristite vise boja, vise puta prelazite cetkicom po jednom mestu, a da se pritom papir ne pocepa. ( ja koristim akvarel papir od 300g)
Potrebno vam je jos, posuda za vodu, cetkica sa tankim vrhom i maramica na kojoj cete skidati visak boje i vode i naravno akvarel bojice.
Za ovaj tutorijal koristila sam Whimsy Stamps pecat - "Troublemaker" od dizajnera Kenny K.
Here I am again with a tutorial. This time it's colouring a human figure image using watersoluble pens.
If you missed the first tutorial on colouring an mage using watersoluble pens, you can check it out here.
I did this tutorial some time ago, but I wonderded whether to post it or not, because the pictures turned out with a little lower quality .. In the end I decided to prepare and publish the post, because the way in which I colour the images is clearly visible and you can see the result well.. :)
(so once again, I apologize for some blurriness of the photos)
What is important for this tutorial.
1. To use waterproof ink (I used StazOn Jet Black)
2. To use watercolor paper, the thicker, the better, because it gives you the opportunity to experiment and, using different colors, repeatedly move the brush at one same place, without tearing the paper (I use watercolor paper 300g)
You'll also need: water container, brush with a thin tip and a tissue in which you remove the excess paint and water, and of course watersoluble pens..
For this tutorial I used Whimsy Stamps stamp - "Troublemaker"designed by Kenny K.
Ispecatirala sam i isekla motiv. Akvarel bojice koje ja trenutno koristim su Staedtler.
I stamped and cut the image. Water soluble pens that I currently use are Staedtler.
Prvo sam krenula sa farmericama. Koristila sam tamno plavu i svetlo plavu. Prvo tamno plavom bojicom dodam boju uz kraj farmerica, u delove koji su vizuelno u senci, zatim dodam svetlo plavu. Kao na slici ispod.
If you have read my previous tutorial about colouring images with watercolour pencils,, you know that I like to use several shades of the same color or even different colours on each part of the image I colour.
First I started with jeans. I used dark blue and light blue. First, the dark blue colour, I add it by the edge of the jeans, the parts that are visually in shadow, then I add a light blue.
As shown below.

A onda cetkicom razvucem boju prema sredini ovako: Krenem od kraja prema sredini, onda cetkicom prelazim vise puta "vracajuci" boju nazad do ivica, sve dok ne dobijem rezultat kojim sam zadovoljna.
And then I "move" the colour with the brush towards the middle of the jeans like this: I start from the end to the middle, then move the brush repeatedly, "returning" the color back to the edge, until I get the result that I'm happy with.
Zatim na isti nacin bojim majicu. Koristila sam i tim redom ih dodavala crvenu, narandzastu i zutu. Crvena ide u delove koji su najvise u senci, zuta na osvetljene delove.
Then, in the same way I colour the T-shirt. I have used and in this very order: red, orange and yellow. Red goes to parts that are mostly in the shade, the yellow in the lightest areas.
Onda koristim cetkicu.
Then I use the brush.
Dukserica je bila najnezgodniji deo za bojenje, jer kapa ima dosta "pregiba", pa je trebalo odrediti gde dodati najtamniju boju, a gde najsvetliju. Koristila sam tamno zelenu, svetlo zelenu i zutu.
The sweater was the most difficult part for colouring, because the hood has a lot of "folds", and it was necessary to determine where to add the darkest color, and where the brightest. I used dark green, light green and yellow.
A onda voda i cetkica. Slika ispod.
Then water and the brush. The picture bellow.
Na red su dosle paitike. Htela sam da se slazu sa garderobom, pa sam koristila: za djon koji sam htela da bude beo dodala sam samo malo svetlo plave u krajeve djona; za deo patika korstila sam opet tamno zelenu, svetlo zelenu i zutu; za drugi deo crvenu, narandzastu i zutu. Dodavala sam boje na isti nacin kao i na majicu, duksericu i farmerice.
The next it was the turn to colour the sneakers. I wanted them to match the outfit, so I used: for the bottom part of the sneakers, which I wanted to be white, some light blue colour which I only added a little in the corners of the bottom part of the sneakers; for one part of the sneakers I used again, dark green, light green and yellow; for the other part I used red, orange and yellow. I've added color in the same way as when colouring the T-shirt, the sweater and the jeans.
I bojimo cetkicom. Eksperimentisite, bojite, vracajte boju do ivica, "pravite" svetlije i tamnije delove kako vam se cini da treba.
Then we colour with the brush. Experiment, move forward and return the color back to the edges, "create" brighter and darker parts as you feel you should.
Na red je dosla kosa. Koristila sam mnogo boja: crnu, braon, crvenu, naranzdastu i zutu i tim redom ih dodavala. Najtamija u delove koji su najmanje osvetljeni, zuta na najosvetljenije delove.
The next was the hair. I used many colors: black, brown, red, orange and yellow and I added them in that order. The darkest in the areas that are visually least illuminated, yellow in the lightest areas.
Bojimo cetkicom.
We colour with the brush.
Sladoled! Odlucila sam da budu moji omiljeni: limun i visnja. :)
Za kornet sam krostila braon i zutu, za kuglu od limuna naranzastu i zutu, za kuglu od visnje: roze, crvenu i bez.
Dodavala sam ih od tamnije ka svetlijoj, tako sto je najsvetliji deo sladoleda sa leve strane, dok je deo do nje najtamniji.
Ice cream! I decided it to be withmy favorite flavours: lemon and sour cherry. :)
For the cone I used brown and yellow, for the lemon ball orange and yellow, the sour cherry ball: pink, red and beige.
I've added them from darker to lighter, so that the brightest part of the ice cram are on the left, while the darkest parts closest to the image.
I bojimo vodom i cetkicom.
Then we colour with water and brush.
Lice. Malo nezgodniji deo. Jednom prilikom cu mozda uraditi tutorijal samo o bojenju lica, koze, potrudicu se da slike budu mnogo jasnije. :)
Koristimo crvenu, naranzdastu i bez. Crvene malo dodam u krajeve, uglove koji su manje osvetljeni i malo da istakne liniju nosa, zatim dodam malo narandzaste ispred crvene, a ostatak lica obojim bez bojom, pazeci da ne obojim oci. Na isti nacin dodajem boju na koleno i ruke.
Face. A little more complicated part. On one occasion, I might do a tutorial on colouring only a face, skin, I'll make sure the photos turn out much clearer. :)
We use red, orange and beige. I add a little red to the edges, corners that are less exposed to light and slightly to emphasize the line of the nose, then add a little orange in front of the red and the rest of the face I colour with beige, being careful not to colour over the eyes. In the same way I added color to the hands and the knee.
I bojim vodom i cetkicom.
Trudim se da sredina lica ostane svetla i na kraju dodajem malo crvene boje na obraze. Boju pazljivo razmazem cetkicom, da je ne bude ni previse, ni premalo, da se primeti, ali da deluje prirodno. Takodje crvenom bojom bojim usne, a za oci koristim tamno zelenu i svetlo zelenu boju.
Then we colour with water and brush.
I try to keep the middle of the face light and at the end add a bit of red on the cheeks. I carefully smear the colour with the brush, so there's not too much of it, nor too little, so it would notice, but so that it seems natural. I also use red to colour the lips, and for the eyes, I useed a dark green and light green.
Na kraju dodam par detalja belom Sakura gelly roll olovkom - na obraze dodam tri tackice, na kosu par linijica na najsvetlije delove i u vrhove ociju koje sam obojila zelenom bojom. Ovo naravno nije neophodno. Ponekad istaknem svetle delove na motivu tako sto na kraju na tim mestima predjem belom olovkom za nokte. ;)
I motiv je gotov. :)
Finally I add a few details with my white Sakura Gelly Roll pen - three dots on the cheeks add on the hair a few lines in the brightest parts and in the top corners of the eyes which I had coloured green. This of course is not necessary. Sometimes I emphasize bright parts of the image by adding some white nail pen in the brightest parts of the image. ;)
And the image is done. :)
Nadam se da vam se, uprkos losijem kvalitetu slika svideo tutorijal!
Ako imate neka pitanja i sugestije i jedno i drugo je dobro doslo.
Imam i jedno pitanje...
Kakav tutorijal biste voleli da vidite sledeci na mom blogu? To moze biti nesto vezano za cestitke, ali ne i ne mora. :)
I hope that you, despite the poor photo quality, liked the tutorial!:)
If you have any questions or suggestions, both are welcome.
I have one question ...
What kind of a tutorial you'd like to see next on my blog? It could be something related to cards, but not necessarily. :)