...pticu malenicu..."
Tako smo mu pevali. A onda se oporavio, na nasu veliku radost, i odleteo i ne pogledavsi nas...
Naime, pre nekog vremena moj sestric (5 godina) i sestricina ( skoro 2 godine) pronasli su vrapcica sa polomljenim krilom. Istog trena usledila je uzbuna, da se vrapcicu brzom brzinom pomogne. Baba je pronasla kutiju/gajbicu, posude za hranu i vodu, a keka je otrcala po antiseptic (za krilo) i vrapcic je ubrzo bio zbrinut.
Sestric i sestricina su cucali pored gajbice, odusevljeni nasim novim kucnim ljubimcem i cinjenicom da su spasli povredjenu pticicu... Jednom prilikom vrapcic je nenako uspeo da sklizne, ali ne mogavsi da leti samo je skakutao, svi smo se razleteli za njim, jer su komsijske macke vec vrebale, a sestric je, srce malo, suze ronio...Ali, uhvatili smo ga ( komsija preko pua hehe) i vratili u gajbicu.
Da skratim pricu, vrapcic se opravio i naravno, pustili smo ga da odleti. Mogu da zamislim koliko je ceo taj dogadjaj znacio mom sestricu i sestricini, spasli su jedno nemocno maleno bice. :)
...little sparrow..."
So we sang to him. Then he recovered, to our great joy, and flew away without even looking at us ...
Some time ago, my nephew (5 years old) and niece (almost 2 years) found a little sparrow with a broken wing. Immediately alarm followed, to help the little sparrow, as fast as possible. Grandma found a box / crate, food containers and water, and auntie ran after antiseptic (for the wing) and the little sparrow was soon taken care of.
Nephew and niece were crouching beside the crate, delighted with our new pet and the fact that they rescued an injured birdie ... On one occasion the little sparrow managed to slide out, but not being able to fly he just hopped around, we all flew after him, because the neighbor's cats were lurking around and my nephew, my little heart, shedding tears ... But we got him (neighbor across the road haha) and got him back to the crib.
To make the story short, the little sparrow got well and, of course, we let it fly away. I can just imagine what this whole event meant for my nephew and niece, to save one helpless little creature. :)
Iskoristila sam jedno (retko) suncano popodne da uslikam malo dvoriste, uglavnom cvece u dvoristu. :)
I used one (rarely) sunny afternoon to take some pictures of our yard, mostly flowers in the yard. :)
Ima toga jos, kao moje omiljene zute ruze, ali eto, ne moras bas sve da postavim.
There's more of it, like my favourite yellow roses, but, I don't have to post everything.
I za kraj nesto kreativno, ali malo drugacije nego obicno. Napravila sam/sasila ovae dve male ovcice (ili dva mala Timija kako ih mi zovemo, zbog crtanog filma) za mog sestrica i sestricinu.
And finally something creative, but a little different than usual. I made / sewn these two small little ships (or two little Timmy's as we call them, because of the cartoon) for my nephew and niece.
Naime, ovu gore, drugaciju ovcicu sam ja dobila od verenika, navodno, ako je stavite pod jastuk sanjate lepe snove. Mom sestrcu i sestricini se veoma svidela i oboje su zeleli da im je poklonim. Posto nisam mogla da "stvorim" jos jednu istu takvu, a i bila je poklon, odlucila sam i sasila im dve drugacije, a opet iste ovcice. Sad svako ima svog "Timija".
The different sheep above in the picture, I received from my fiancé, apparently, if you put it under your pillow you will dream sweet dreams. My nephew and niece both liked it a lot and both wanted me to give them the sheep as a gift. Since I could not "create" another one of the same kind, and it was a gift, I decided to sew them two different, yet the same little sheeps. Now everyone has their "Timmy." :)
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Have you been creative? Add your link to the blog Natural Suburbia.
Jeste li bili kreativni? Dodajte svoj link na blog Natural Suburbia.
Have you been creative? Add your link to the blog Natural Suburbia.

Zdravo Vanja, mislim da je i vrabac zaslužio komentar, drago mi je sto ste se potrudili da pomognete i ovoj mrvici. Mnogo volim životinje i volim da im pomažem, imam kod mene dva psa, mace, pre nekoliko meseci sam spasila i goluba, povredili su ga gavrani ali je uspeo da ozdravi. I hvala vam sto ste tom vrapčiću spasili život, verujem da i njemu to puno znači... Veliki pozdrav!